Monday, 14 March 2011

Heads will fall.....


My attempt at manipulating a rig character in XSI.

Though it s quite not clear in this image, i have attempted ago at building the potato head rigs but with a twist, Mrs potato on the right turns on a desk fan. to blow away the parts of her husband. The rig took 4-5 mins to pose but the dest fan took me a good 10 mins as still learning the software!

Funny Short cut on the keyboard , when pressing M on the keyboard the geometry saturation blends in to this smooth almost like a card cut out affect.  

Friday, 11 March 2011


Hey All
Today still configuring the walk cycle on XSI making a smooth operation on the snapping and breaking on the leg joints. Though wanting a simple Richard William style movement, i have already begun thinking about what kind of exaggerated stepping and arm thrust i should have within in the Cycle.

Looking into a Disney style thrust movement but at the moment quite complex, as only in basics!

As i could not find a origin walk cycle from disney this animator here has referenced a scene from Pinocchio. Only a rough drawn piece but the leg movement is what i aim to achieve!

So coming across the Rota-scope found and interesting hand drawn Animator who worked with a dance Team for a narrative Inspiration. Ryan Woodward who has worked on big Block busters such as Spiderman 2, The Iron Giant and Space Jam.
His solo project 'Thought Of You' is an inspiring piece to come across, its outcome looks straight forward and simple but effective at the same time. Though i cant interpret the story well, my view is that is connects the two worlds between life and death. The ending is quite powerful but makes the short narrative complete and the fluid movement times well with the song.
In mind for the Rota-scope i aim to base a movement similar to a dance and exaggerate this movement in Soft- image.

Balls!! but literally are starting well but after an hour of physically playing the game of badminton and failing miserable, I'am thinking of animating my mistakes that happened during my clumsy mistakes, not including whacking my friend in the head !
Here are quick sketches of how the badminton action scene should take place.....

Rough example of what i aim for !